premiered at The Jack Tilton Gallery, NYC Feb 2009
Conceived and performed by Polly Motley in collaboration with Molly Davies
Drawing from the Body is an evening of performance and interactive video and sound for galleries and museums. The evening consists of
Autopsy, a thirty minute installation performance with live video feed from two cameras, mixed by Molly Davies. Motley's performance occurs and is shot in one room while the changing video mix is largely displayed in another. The audience moves at will between the two rooms. Completing the program is
Dressing, a three-monitor installation by Davies of a four minute, three synchronous tape work. Audience members are given cameras, and their photographs, along with a mix of the performance video may be left in installation.
Polly Motley is a beautifully fluid dancer. The simplicity of her movements were all the more beautiful after the technological wizardry displayed by Davies. All of this was accompanied by the artistry of Beth Coleman who created audio matrices with noise, beat structure and frequency manipulations that was done live during the performance. An invaluable contribution. These three marvelous artists should not be missed.
–George de la Pena, Ballet International